Boozhoo, niijii-bimaadizidog!


I don’t know about you, but sometimes after a big dinner it is good to watch a movie together as a family. Here are some phrases related to that situation, so long as the kids don’t fall asleep first.

You may notice a few things in these words. For one thing, most of the verbs here are in command form, just like in the previous two list . These are all in second person singular form, which means the commands are issued to one person other than the speaker.

Once again, we are mostly using command forms of verbs, so the previous lessons on pluralizing these commands still apply. Feel free to drop a daga (it means “please”) before any commands.

Of course, there are a few little phrases in here that are useful well beyond family movie night.

Miigwech agindaasoyeg!


man from Nigigoonsiminikaaning
Ishkwaa – wiisiniyang
 After eating
1. Bii’ishin. Wait for me.
2. Biindigen! Come in!
3. Gidaa-bizaan-ayaamin omaa biindig. We should be quiet here inside.
4. Ayaangwaamizin. Be careful.
5. Weweni ganawaabandan mezinaateseg. Carefully watch the movie.
6. Zhingishinin! Lie down!
7. Biskiiginanan giwaaboowayaan. Fold up your blanket.
8. Azhe-atoon i’iw gaa-ondinaman. Put it back from where you got it.
9. Mii zhigwa da-giziibiigaabide’oyan. It’s time to brush your teeth.
10. Waabanda’ishin giibidan. Show me your teeth.
11. Gibaakwa’an ishkwaandem. Close the door.
12. Weweni bizindan. Listen carefully.
13. Maamawi ayaadaa. Let’s be together.
14. Bekaa!  Bii’ishin. Wait! Wait for me.


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